An Update from the Research Team
January was a big month! It was the launch of InnerScience Research Fund during a Livestream event that reached nearly 30,000 people on January 14, 2022, and the information is continuing to resonate in communities far and wide. The primary conclusion – that the mind has the power to create biology to adapt the individual and community to a myriad of diseases – is powerful. The goal of InnerSceince is to continue to support this groundbreaking research and provide clear, rigorous evidence that the mind can empower, heal, and allow everyone to thrive.
The Quantum Study
Marco Island saw the launch of a first of its kind, groundbreaking study, QUANTUM (QUest to ANalyze a Thousand hUmans Meditating)—in which multiple pieces of data (i.e., biometrics, health surveys, and bio-specimens) were collected, and will continue to be collected over the next 12 months. The numbers thus far are staggering. 978 individuals consented to the study, over 800 individuals provided samples for assessment of microbiome and epigenetics, and the self-reported health changes over the next year will allow us the ability to define broad implications for meditation and health at multiple levels. The data sets are massive, but the research team is full of excitement at the possibilities and will report on these findings at our virtual meetings and events throughout the year.
A Focus on Cancer in 2022
There are exciting things to report on the year ahead for the research team at the Patel Laboratory as we announced our focus for 2022 will be on cancer biology. Cancer is a disease that touches every one of us directly or indirectly, and though much progress has been made with unique pharmacological approaches for the treatment of cancer, the majority of treatments produce toxicity, intolerable side effects, and overall reduced quality of life.
There are many stories in the community of spontaneous as well as intentional healings of cancer. It is undeniable that the mind has the potential to impact the body to regulate homeostasis back to balance, but how this occurs is a mystery and is currently thought of as a placebo or a fluke. In many of these stories, there is little pain and toxicity and a lot of abundance of life. However, little evidence exists for the molecular and biochemical pathways the mind activates to limit the growth, movement and spread of cancer in a body. The Patel Laboratory has and will continue to design new and innovative experiments on cells, humans, and in the setting of in-person and remote coherence healings, to uncover how the mind impacts cancer biology. These studies will be done in rigorous ways with multiple collaborators to understand the process at all levels. The insights gained will allow validation of the effects reported in the testimonials and allow the application of this biology to impact cancer around the world.
Next Up: The Genesis Study
Our next research study will take place at the San Diego week-long meditation retreat in late April. At the event, the Patel Laboratory will launch a series of new studies to understand the impact of the mind on genetics. They will explore approaches to how the mind appears to change the body’s DNA expression in an attempt to explain what on the surface appears to be spontaneous and miraculous changes in the body. The GENESIS Study (GEnerating NEw inSights into genetIc Signatures) will explore the minds and bodies of twin sets, the fetal-maternal relationship, and direct approaches that link the mind to genetics. The research team is busy planning these and more studies, and San Diego is expected to be a watershed moment in uncovering the power of the mind.
Thanks to you, InnerScience is poised to support this groundbreaking research, and we are excited at the limitless possibilities that exist to empower, heal, and allow individuals to thrive.