
Issue #2. May 2022


An Update

From the Research Team

It has been a busy time for the research team these past few months, as we prepared for a series of upcoming studies at the San Diego Week-Long Advanced Meditation Retreat.

San Diego, the home base for the Patel Laboratory at the University of California, San Diego, provided a unique opportunity to perform research with endpoints measurements not available at other sites. This created some amazing opportunities for us to advance mind-body research.

Thanks to you, our Catalyst Community, InnerScience is poised to continue to support groundbreaking research which provides clear, rigorous evidence that the mind can empower, heal, and allow everyone to thrive. Read More


Research & Data Collection in April


Our Research

By the Numbers


Our Research Team

In the News and Around the Web

Dr. Hemal Patel, PhD and our Research Team have been featured on a number of different podcasts and summits in recent months.

Here's the shortlist:



You Give, We Give

Ask a Question!

Here's your chance to ask the Research Team questions in advance of their virtual meeting on June 3. If your question is randomly selected at the virtual meeting, we'll mail you a limited edition InnerScience t-shirt! 

Submit Your Question

Catalyst Spotlight

Mona Pappafava-Ray

What led you to meditaton?

In August of 2019 my Mother passed away after 7 years of battling cancer and various other ailments, requiring her to receive full time in-home care. During that time I managed her care, her homes, her financial affairs. My phone never left my side, and I received numerous calls daily.

Read More


Pay it Forward

I Rise, You Rise, We all Rise

Last week, InnerScience hosted a fundraising dinner in San Diego to raise money for our mission. At the end of the evening, Singer-songwriter Jeffrey GoldFord spontaneously shared his song, "Rise" with the group (which came to him after a meditation). At the end of the evening, one of the donors in attendance was so inspired, he paid it forward by picking up the tab for the entire dinner so that every dollar raised that night could go directly to important research on the biological and physiological effects of meditation on the body. We're sharing the video from that magical San Diego evening, and our hope is that you too will pay it forward by spreading this inspirational message. 

Stay Tuned.  Good Things are Coming...

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